A new framework has been launched to help the NHS and wider public sector manage cyber risks.
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The government has announced that Huawei will be completely removed from the UK’s 5G networks by the end of 2027.
Labour is calling on the government to release more information to local authorities to help contain the local spread of coronavirus.
A new procurement framework will help public sector organisations access technology that supports social distancing in the workplace.
A group of UK charities have threatened to curb their spending on social media engagement if platforms do not do more to tackle hate speech.
NHS England is hosting its first-ever ‘Virtual Pride’ to celebrate and involve all of its LGBT+ staff and their allies.
A combination of pressures prompted Derby City Council to review its on-premise data centre strategy in 2015.
Edinburgh City Council has streamlined social care with the implementation of prepaid cards to supply funds for adult and children’s social care
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